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Thank you for making Roofsit 2024 a success!

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What is Roofsit?

Roofsit began in 1996 when the team at U93 radio wanted to help victims of child abuse. The team spent a week on a local business rooftop, day and night! They stayed on-air, sharing letters, emails, phone calls and personal interviews with survivors of abuse. Donations poured in to help educate the community and provide counseling services for victims and survivors. Roofsit has evolved into a week-long event on the ground with various activities throughout the week for the community to enjoy. U93, Martin's Super Markets, Youth Service Bureau, and PCA of St. Joseph County team up to make this a success and to date, over 3 million dollars has been raised to assist abuse survivors and educate the public on how to stop the cycle of violence. Funds raised are distributed via grants to child and family serving agencies in the U93 listening area.

Roofsit 2023 raised over $150,000 thanks to the Michiana community! Roofsit 2023 marked the 27th Anniversary of U93's Roofsit event. Thank you to this community for showing kids that they deserve safe and happy childhoods. Your help is appreciated and still needed!

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